Squirrels & Friends
Yvie Oddly

Yvie Oddly Go to profile

Performance Stats based on their appearence in the show.


Acting 3.8 / 5

Santa's School For Girls Acting / AS- S7 - E8
Draguation Speeches Acting / AS- S7 - E5
Trump: The Rusical Rusical / S11 - E4
Diva Worship Hosting / S11 - E3
Good God Girl, Get Out Acting / S11 - E2

Comedy 3 / 5

Fairytale Justice Improvisation / AS- S7 - E4
Snatch Game Snatch Game / AS- S7 - E2
L.A.D.P.! Improvisation / S11 - E9
Snatch Game At Sea Snatch Game / S11 - E8
Diva Worship Hosting / S11 - E3

Dance 4 / 5

Dance Like a Drag Queen Dancing / AS- S7 - E9
Queens Everywhere Final Challenge / S11 - E12
The Draglympics Dancing / S11 - E6

Design 3.17 / 5

Legendary Legend Looks Design / AS- S7 - E7
The Realness of Fortune Ball Ball / AS- S7 - E3
Bring Back My Queens! Makeover / S11 - E11
From Farm To Runway Design / S11 - E7
Monster Ball Ball / S11 - E5
Whatcha Unpackin? Design / S11 - E1

Lipsync 4.14 / 5

Lip Sync LaLaPaRuza Smackdown Finale / AS- S7 - E12
Total Ru-quest Live Singing / AS- S7 - E6
Legends Singing / AS- S7 - E1
Grand Finale Finale / S11 - E14
Queens Everywhere Final Challenge / S11 - E12
Snatch Game At Sea Lip Sync / S11 - E8
Trump: The Rusical Rusical / S11 - E4