Squirrels & Friends
Trinity K. Bonet

Trinity K. Bonet Go to profile

Performance Stats based on their appearence in the show.


Acting 3.25 / 5

Pink Table Talk Hosting / AS- S6 - E5
Halftime Headliners Rusical / AS- S6 - E4
Side Hustles Commercial / AS- S6 - E3
Drag Queens of Talk Hosting / S6 - E9
Glamazon by Colorevolution Commercial / S6 - E7
Shade: The Rusical Rusical / S6 - E4
Scream Queens Acting / S6 - E3

Comedy 2.88 / 5

Snatch Game of Love Snatch Game / AS- S6 - E8
Pink Table Talk Hosting / AS- S6 - E5
Side Hustles Commercial / AS- S6 - E3
Drag Queens of Talk Hosting / S6 - E9
Glamazon by Colorevolution Commercial / S6 - E7
Drag Queens of Comedy Roast / S6 - E8
Snatch Game Snatch Game / S6 - E5

Dance 0 / 5

Design 2.67 / 5

Drag Tots Design / AS- S6 - E9
The Blue Ball Ball / AS- S6 - E2
RuPaul's Big Opening Part 2 Design / S6 - E2

Lipsync 3.14 / 5

Show Up Queen Singing / AS- S6 - E7
Halftime Headliners Rusical / AS- S6 - E4
Drag Queens of Talk Lip Sync / S6 - E9
Oh No She Betta Don't! Singing / S6 - E6
Oh No She Betta Don't! Lip Sync / S6 - E6
Shade: The Rusical Rusical / S6 - E4
Shade: The Rusical Lip Sync / S6 - E4