Squirrels & Friends
Marcia Marcia Marcia

Marcia Marcia Marcia Go to profile

Performance Stats based on their appearence in the show.


Acting 3.5 / 5

The Daytona Wind 2 Acting / S15 - E7
All Queens Go To Heaven Commercial / S15 - E3

Comedy 2.75 / 5

Two Queens, One Joke Stand Up / S15 - E11
50/50’s Most Gagworthy Stars Improvisation / S15 - E10
Supersized Snatch Game Snatch Game / S15 - E4
All Queens Go To Heaven Commercial / S15 - E3

Dance 3 / 5

Old Friends Gold Girl Group / S15 - E6

Design 3 / 5

House of Fashion Design / S15 - E5

Lipsync 2.33 / 5

Two Queens, One Joke Lip Sync / S15 - E11
LipSync Lalaparuza Smackdown Lip Sync / S15 - E8
Old Friends Gold Girl Group / S15 - E6