Squirrels & Friends
Jada Shada Hudson

Jada Shada Hudson Go to profile

Performance Stats based on their appearence in the show.


Acting 2.33 / 5

Squirrels Trip: The Rusical Rusical / CA-S3 - E7
Cosmetic Queens Commercial / CA-S3 - E6
The Who-Knows Hosting / CA-S3 - E2

Comedy 2.67 / 5

Cosmetic Queens Commercial / CA-S3 - E6
Snatch Game Snatch Game / CA-S3 - E5
The Who-Knows Hosting / CA-S3 - E2

Dance 0 / 5

Design 3 / 5

Masquerade Ball Ball / CA-S3 - E8
Bitch Stole My Look Design / CA-S3 - E4
Sidewalk to Catwalk Design / CA-S3 - E1

Lipsync 4.2 / 5

True North Strong (and Fierce) Finale / CA-S3 - E9
Squirrels Trip: The Rusical Rusical / CA-S3 - E7
Bitch Stole My Look Lip Sync / CA-S3 - E4
Ruets Lip Sync / CA-S3 - E3
The Who-Knows Lip Sync / CA-S3 - E2