Squirrels & Friends
Coco Montrese

Coco Montrese Go to profile

Performance Stats based on their appearence in the show.


Acting 1.75 / 5

Drama Queens Acting / S5 - E9
Scent of a Drag Queen Commercial / S5 - E8
Draggle Rock Acting / S5 - E3

Comedy 3.33 / 5

Scent of a Drag Queen Commercial / S5 - E8
RuPaul Roast Roast / S5 - E7
Snatch Game Snatch Game / S5 - E5

Dance 0 / 5

Design 2 / 5

Super Troopers Makeover / S5 - E10
RuPaullywood or Bust Design / S5 - E1

Lipsync 3.29 / 5

Super Troopers Lip Sync / S5 - E10
Drama Queens Lip Sync / S5 - E9
Can I Get An Amen? Singing / S5 - E6
Can I Get An Amen? Lip Sync / S5 - E6
Draggle Rock Lip Sync / S5 - E3
Lip Sync Extravaganza Eleganza Lip Sync / S5 - E2